PROJEKT: od 01. 05. 2022 do 30. 04. 2024

JeloviZA – ANG

JeloviZA - To Improve Ecosystems and Conserve Vulnerable Species of Natura 2000 at Jelovica; Preparation of Management Model Based on Ecosystem Services in Decision Making Processes.

The project addresses the challenges of climate change in Jelovica, the lack of a management plan for the area, and the non-participation of residents in the preparation of strategic documents of the municipalities.

It is needed to rehabilitate, restore and provide efficient ecosystem services to the damaged mountain forest ecosystem on Jelovica as soon as possible.

Jelovica is one of the largest concentrated areas of preserved nature in Slovenia, and most of the area has Natura 2000 site status. Jelovica has been facing the consequences of climate change for many years (weather disasters, bark beetles), which reduce the ability for reduction of CO2 and threaten the habitats of sensitive qualified species (Tetrao urogallus L, Tetrastes bonasia, Picoides tridactylus, Strix uralensis).

Due to the effects of climate change, up to 34% of the total timber cover in Jelovica has been cut down in the last 10 years. The main objectives are ensuring greater climate resilience of Jelovica through ecosystem restoration and preparing Jelovica Management Model and introducing the model into the strategic development documents of the municipalities in the Jelovica area through public involvement, strategic communication, education, and building a support network in the local area.

In order to achieve the main objectives, specific objectives are pursued:

Main project results:


Co-financing source:

The project JeloviZA benefits from a 1.143.298 € grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants.


Project Partners:

Project Promoter: CIPRA Slovenia, Association for the Protection of the Alps

Project Partners:

Partner 1: Municipality of Železniki

Partner 2: Slovenia Forest Service

Partner 3: Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation

Partner 4: Sora Development Agency, Ltd

Partner 5: CIPRA International (LIE)

Ta spletna stran je nastala s finančno podporo Finančnega mehanizma EGP. Za vsebino spletne strani je odgovorna izključno Razvojna agencija Sora d.o.o. in zanj v nobenem primeru ne velja, da odraža stališča nosilca programa Blaženje podnebnih sprememb in prilagajanje nanje.

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S prijavo boste redno prejemali obvestila o novih razvojnih vsebinah na Razvojni agenciji Sora

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